Telling Stories
Stories for Change
Everyone is unique and everyone has a different story to tell, we all take our own individual journey. People love real stories about real people, they engage with them, they respond to them and they share them. Through our social enterprise Stories for Change we are combining the two, to help raise awareness of multiple issues around the world and to help promote and strengthen the fantastic work small charities are doing in their communities. We want to inspire change.
It’s a simple format, we work with small charities to capture the stories of people affected by certain issues and we broadcast these stories on our social media platforms. The more people that watch and share these stories the bigger our community will become, and the bigger our impact will be.

Project #1
Homeless Stories
Our first project, under the Stories for Change umbrella, is focused on Homelessness and has proven to be very effective.
So far we have worked with twelve U.K. based homeless charities to tell the stories of people affected by homelessness. We have produced over forty powerful videos which have had over 1.5 million views internationally on Facebook alone. In doing this we have increased awareness, helped humanise the issue, and raised funds to help support the charities involved. We have partnered with Lloyds Bank Foundation who have connected us to a number of local charities they support in England and Wales and funded the production costs to help us tell their stories.
Help Us
Share It
Each of the videos will be featured across social media and video platforms, but the primary focus will be on Facebook and Instagram. The founders hope that through the power of commenting and sharing on these platforms, new audiences can be engaged on a global level, whilst also helping affect change in local communities.
Moving Forward
The Future
Moving forwards we want to cover many more issues, including: Food Poverty, Slavery, Child Labour, Hygiene Poverty, The Refugee Crisis, Human Trafficking, Mental Health and Addiction.